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Hello and welcome to the Fasusq home on the web.
My name is Amanda Dunne. I live in sunny QLD in a town called "Westbrook" which is about 10 minutes from Toowoomba (less than 2 hours away from Brisbane). Toowoomba is well known for its "Carnival of Flowers" events in September.


Fasusq- pronounced "Fah-Soo-Sk"
came from the combination of 3 of our dogs names...
Fa - FAyme - my favourite childhood English Springer Spaniel
Su - SUtek - my first official Cavalier in my name (in 2006)
Sq - SQuirrel - my first Handlers dog; an English Setter

Although the name "Fasusq" was only established in 2007, I have been involved with dogs my whole life. As my mother bred & showed English Setters & English Springer Spaniels.

The Princess - Ginny (aka Bug)

In preperation for when I would want my own dog to show (10 years of age in QLD to start showing) my mother thought it would be better to get a smaller dog that would be easier for me to show (this was in 1997).

Co-incidentally a client of hers from work had a litter of puppies and wanted to know her opinion of them. The puppies were GORGEOUS!! A week or 2 later we had a Cavalier puppy whom we named Meg (Springset Spice Girl) and we have been hooked ever since.
Cresteds came into the Fasusq home when in late 2010 I became friends with Sheree Richards (Sherabill) whilst she was showing her Cresteds and a Cavalier for another breeder of which we were showing a dog from the same kennel. After showing "Baby" for a collection of shows and gaining heaps of points, multiple puppy in groups, multiple reserve in groups and a puppy in show,  in May 2011 Sheree gave me Leon to show in co-ownership for my Birthday.

(15th July 2013)

~ Chaser and his son Wesley now have pages! (and show results!)
~ Bailey & Arias pages have new results!
~ Dylan has a new photo.
~ The "Cav puppies" and "Links" pages have been updated.

Fasusq Bohemian Rhapsody
My pride and joy, my baby boy
Taken far too soon
4 Sept 12 - 6 April 13
(aged 7 months, 2 days)


Please feel free to sign my guestbook as I would like to read your comments!!

Member of the following clubs:
~Dogs QLD
~Darling Downs Kennel Club (Committee)
~Junior Kennel Club
~Chinese Crested Club of QLD (Committee)
~The Setter Club of Qld (Committee)
~Cavalier Club of Tasmania
Approved ANKC/Dogs QLD Junior Handler Judge
ANKC Accredited Steward & Writer

Stella & Enrique enjoying the park